Saturday, July 10, 2010

Ready or Not Here We Come

I think we're ready! Wednesday evening: the back ordered ceiling fan was delivered in time for move-in day!
A foggy Wednesday evening: gutters up just in time for more rain!

Shed gutters and more fog.

Friday - Random notes from a very busy day before move-in day: Bobby left at 8:00 for the airport to pick up Josh, sun is finally shining and drying up the latest batch of mud, I head to the new house to catch up with the builder to ask about a couple of the bills, he lets me know that all the County inspections have been completed and all systems are go for a Saturday move, the builder's brother is finishing up last minute items including removing a dead mouse from the cabinet under the sink (yikes), stopped at the storage unit to double check that we will be able to access the unit tomorrow even though they are resurfacing the roads around the facility, write out checks to pay the last batch of bills, Josh's flight arrives at 10:00, a trip to the bank to turn in the draw sheet, lunch in Baldwin, Sara got off work at 1:30, packing, packing, packing, Bobby, always the comedian labeling boxes "Lisa's stuff 1, 2, 3, & 4", more packing, disassembly of electronics, shrinkwrapping furniture to keep doors shut (very handy stuff, think Saran Wrap on steroids), disconnecting washer/dryer, more shrink wrap, more packing, trip to Target for Advil and get some cash, unload the refrigerator, head to the new house to load the refrigerator, put toilet paper and soap in all the bathrooms, Mountain Man statue placed on the mantle, stop for beer & ice, load the coolers, out to YSI to watch Sara & Evan's final kickball game of the season, hang around have a few beers, visit, and gaze at the Big Dipper, head to HyVee for a hummas and ice cream dinner, time for one last blog!!!!!
Next blog will be from Lonesome Duck!
Night all!

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