Sunday, November 6, 2016

The Wonderful Thing About TIggers

Jackson was old enough this year to participate in all of the Halloween festivities beginning on Friday with a trick-or-treat parade at his day care.  Each classroom of kiddos took a turn visiting the other classroooms to trick-or-treat, even the babies came through in their costumes but didn't take candy!  

Jackson was pretty adorable in his Tigger outfit and enjoyed walking through each of the classrooms! He didn't seem to notice or care that the candies in his bag never made it home and was quite content with his cracker instead!  I'm thinking that may not be the case in the next few years!

Daddy and his Tigger boy!

How cute is that Tigger bottom and tail ?!?!?

 Grandpa and Tigger.

Tiggers love crackers!

And fruit, especially watermelon!

Is that a whole cracker in Tigger's mouth?

Sunday was the 5th annual Gering/Rapp pumpkin carving party and Nichole brought a sangria filled pumpkin to get the party started!  It was a hit!

Uncle Evan tickling Jackson with his beard!

 Aunt Sara working on a sticker craft pumpkin with the kids.

Dave's 'Napoleon Dynamite' pumpkin; before and after!

 Evan's 'Simoneau Sports Performance' logo pumpkin, he loves his job!
 Dave carved this 'Batman' for Brody.
 My ghost pumpkin.
 Yvonne and Ben's 'Power Cat', this pumpkin was huge!
 Yvonne's 'Haunted House' pumpkin.  Love this one!
 Susan carved this 'Piglet' pumpkin!
 Josh had pumpkin carver's block and made this 'Not Creative' pumpkin!

 Sara carved this 'Snoopy and the Great Pumpkin' that she drew free hand!  

Susan carved this one for Jax, it's the Alien from Toy Story!
 And Nichole carved this one that Colby had drawn the face!

Also there were hot dogs, chili, tomato salad, Oreo balls with bat wings, and pumpkin crumble for dinner!

Pumpkin glow!  Love this part of the tradition!
Notice even the blown up pumpkin got a candle!

Monday night was Halloween and we (including Sara) headed to Josh & Susan's.  Tigger had so much fun answering the door for trick-or-treaters and after observing for a bit he led his parents out to visit a couple of houses!
 Tigger's love Kit Kats even better than crackers and watermelon!  
Especially when Dad opens them for you!

And the fun continues a few evenings later when Jax and his Mama decorate one more pumpkin with stickers!  We love receiving photos and texts of what's happening over at their house!

Tiggers are wonderful things!

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