June kicked off with Jackson's third birthday and Josh and Susan's seventh anniversary! Josh and Susan hosted the party at their new house, the theme was PJ Masks!
One happy little preschooler!
We gave him a mini-black pickup truck that looks just like his Daddy's new truck! He sure had fun learning to ride around his cul-de-sac!
(Sara's Instagram post)
Josh sent us this picture later that evening once they had parked their matching trucks in the garage for the night!
Oh the fun of a big dirt pile!
Helping Daddy water the new grass!
Throwback to their first anniversary in 2012!
Onda and the boys came back to visit Grandma.
Here we are visiting Lawrence Brewing Company the evening before Scott flew in.
Grandma Jo and her Colorado grandsons!
A couple of pleasant afternoons spent playing Chinese checkers!
Evan's surprise 30th birthday party!
Sara did a great job with planning, decorating, and food!
Everyone had a fun time!