This is a really random post of what we've been up to since traveling to Oklahoma back in early March based only on the photos found in my iCloud!
Sewed up a banner to add some St. Patrick's Day color to the fireplace!
Sometimes Merle comes to spend the afternoon with us which makes for one tired puppy.
And one tired Griffy!
We usually spend at least one afternoon each week with this little fellow after picking him up at daycare! Having fun with Grandpa!
Love that face!
He really looks like his Dad in this picture, they would have been about the same age.
The turkeys enjoying a feast of grass seed that Bobby had planted!
A beautiful Kansas sunset.
A lovely lunch spent with lovely ladies (Hi Robin!).
Weekend morning family breakfast date at the Dillon's / Starbucks. Colby and Josh listening to Jackson's toy!
Another play date with this little fellow!
Bright and happy flowers made from cupcake liners, a crafty get together after dinner with friends from work!
My almost completed quilt sampler.
My favorite Easter decorations.
My favorite Easter egg hunter!
I filled plastic eggs with different items that would rattle and then taped them shut with colorful duct tape, baby sized egg rattles! We scattered them on the floor so that he could 'hunt' for them, and he had a great time!
Post-walk Merle.
I like to send Sara silly text messages and pictures at work to let her know that Merle has had his mid-day walk. I texted this one, 'should I stay or should I go'.
This one is my favorite of all the Merle pictures that I have sent to Sara, it was taken back in January
As long as we are looking at pictures out of date sequence here are some favorites of Jax from back in Februrary
Sharing a laugh with his dad.
What a funny and incredibly sweet face!
A color matching toy I made for Sara's friend's little two year old.
Will be making Jax one of these when he gets a little older.
These ordinary days are everything I had hoped for while counting the days down and dreaming of retirement. Retired life so far is very good indeed!