Saturday, February 25, 2012

Saturday Morning Soccer: Then and Now

This is what our Saturday mornings looked like every Spring and Fall for many years! Checking the schedules to see if your team was red or blue, searching for shin guards, cleats, and socks, grabbing a water bottle and heading out to the fields. I do miss those busy days.
Our Saturday mornings are much less busy now and the only soccer games we watch are Griff's. She loves pushing the metal bowl around the concrete patio, good noisy fun!

Heading to the field with the equipment.

Moving the ball, oops I mean the bowl down field.

Making a fast break for the goal!

Hope your Saturday was filled with sunshine,

good memories, and something that made you laugh!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Six Months Old

Little Miss Griff is six months old!

Don't let that sweet innocent face fool you, she can sometimes still be our little PITA (pain in the you know what) puppy!

We're working on her people greeting manners, sadly jumping and nibbling on fingers are not acceptable ways to say "hello wanna play?"

Birthday Mousse

There's a moose loose at the Duck!Found this fella at a new yard art store in Lawrence and knew that he had to be Bobby's birthday present. Wanted to buy the flying pig too, but decided to save that for Father's Day...shhhh don't tell him!
Other moose news: after dining at the Blue Moose on Friday night, Robin and I continued our tradition of following up an evening of dining with a trip to the Home Depot! Who needs fancy boutiques? Home Depot is open late and there's lots of aisles for wandering, talking, and reminiscing while checking out all the new gadgets. Did you know they have multiple colors of paint-on electrical tape to mend worn electrical cords?

Simple pleasures.