WOW! The floors turned out awesome! And the floor finish really brings out the richness of the cabinet color too. The granite countertops and sink were installed today but I was rushing and forgot to get a picture of just them alone. You can kind of see the granite here on the ledge. And look, we have light, not just fixtures but real flip the switch and get some glowing light too!
Another view of the floors!
Here is the master bedroom ceiling fan, the picture does not do it justice. The blades are slightly cupped and have the appearance of being carved out of wood. This fan will be a close match to the living room fan which is on back order until July 1st...sigh.
"Under the boardwalk, down by the sea..."
And this picture? Well, this is a picture of our boardwalks and our Kansas mud puddles. Not so picturesque or worthy of song lyrics and tourists but they serve their purpose to get people from the gravel driveway to the house with a minimum amount of mud on their shoes! I will be sooooo happy when the concrete is poured for the porches and the pad between the house & shed!
Other Gering happenings. Evan had a birthday on Saturday and we joined his family for a celebration at Jazz a Cajun restaurant at the Legends. The band called him up and played Happy Birthday for him and insisted he make a speech! It was a good time! And today Sara drove to Manhattan to surprise him since he is working and living there all summer.
Bobby received a package in the mail today from Josh & Susan. A tin of his favorite Topsy's popcorn! We got a chuckle from the gift card which read "Happy Fathers Day to the best Pop(corn) ever." Lucky for me he is sharing the bounty!
Life is good, very good..........